MetaHash API

MetaHash is a next-generation network based on the Blockchain 4.0 technology for sharing digital assets and a platform for creating and managing decentralized apps and services in real-time. Wiki-Metahash includes information about such components of the MetaHash network as TraceChain based on Blockchain 4.0, new generation of Smart Contracts - MetaApps and multi-asset wallet - MetaGate .

About MetaHash network

Getting started

Generating a Metahash address

Iconhash for Metahash address

Blockchain blocks


MetaHash Wallet

Metahash fullnode client

MetaHash Supply

Servers roles in MetaHash

I have tried to test some of these apis as per the provided document. But most of them gives some errors. Typical error looks like this:
{"id":1,"error":{"code":-32602,"message":"Incorrect func fetch-transaction. Error at file /opt/metahash/src/Node-Torrent/src/Server.cpp line 805. Url: /"}}

Can you check what might be the issue?